We have a dream that one day time-to-market for our solutions will be days instead of months. That is why we have started creating Lean Delivery Initiative. It is to help DMs, SAs, TechLeads and DevOps engineers who work on Hybris, Sitecore, AEM, or Oracle Commerce projects and other commerce platforms to move faster.

Who we are?

We are Digital Engagement Practice @ EPAM

We have thousands of gifted engineers and hundreds of projects in the Digital Engagement domain. And we expect further growth.

Why are we doing this?

What if you have the solution that saves your time and effort, the tool that shortens time to market from months to days, saving your client’s money for better project use? What if you get it… for free? For Project and Delivery Managers, for Solution Architects and Tech Leads, for all engineers who doesn't want to spend their time on reinventing the wheel we put together the best of our real production practice – all to share it with you in this Lean Delivery Blog. Why we do this? Being engineers in our core, we have spent many years being involved into complex projects, continuously seeking for a better solution and ideal recipe. As a result, this Program provides a broad set of elements and processes based on best practices and guidelines to support quick and stable delivery. Here we advise you on how to simplify your work using Lean principles. It’s our 10+ years’ experience in a concentrated form, nothing superfluous – only the essence. What does it give to you? Free time to learn new tools, technologies and approaches, balance of efforts and quality, faster shipping time and more. If the questions like “What Git-flow to choose?”, “How to manage project-related infrastructure?” or “Where and how should we store infrastructure configuration?” still bother you – let’s come to solve the task together.

LDI Solution components

LDI Solution provides a broad set of elements and processes to support quick and stable delivery:

  • Branching strategy
  • Structure of the project repository
  • Network configuration
  • Different types of environments
  • Templates for the system and application monitoring
  • Logs management system as a tool for logs analysis
  • Continuous Integration with pre-configured quality gates (e.g. unit/integration tests, automatic code analysis, deployment to feature verification environment and etc.)


  • Decreased costs for new features implementation
  • Reduced time-to-market
  • Decreased costs for infrastructure support
  • Enable knowledge sharing and contribution cross-projects